The Great Promise

Pastor Dwayne M. Fraser
Bible Study
January 2009

Lesson Title:    The Great Promise
Lesson Text:    Hebrews 11 (Read and Meditate on the entire chapter)

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the Hall of Faith.  This study is designed to give insight into the Great Promise God has made to every believer in both the New and Old Testament.  It will encourage you have great faith and to trust God to receive the Great Promise.

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  In your own words, what does faith mean to you?



Hebrews 11:6 teaches us that without faith it is impossible to __________________ God!

Have you experienced a time in your life when God was displeased by your lack of faith? 
What did you learn from that experience?   ________________________________________________________________________________________



Hebrews 11 lists many great men and women of faith.  Which person’s experience stood out for you the most and why? 



Write your thoughts on the phrase “died in faith” in Hebrews 11:13



What was the Great Promise these men and women believed God for?



Read Hebrews 11:35-38.  Does faith always have a good reward?  Explain!



After reading and studying Hebrews 11, how do you feel about your level of faith?

